Software Comparison: HotSchedules and 7Shifts

Businesses within the food and beverage industry are increasingly leveraging technology solutions to enable them to make informed, data-driven decisions about their scheduling. 

Leveraging Scheduling Solutions: Comparing HotSchedules and 7Shifts

In successful restaurant management, scheduling plays a more pivotal role than one may realize.

Staff scheduling has a significant influence on the effectiveness and efficiency of a business on any given day. If you overstaff during nonpeak business hours, you’re losing money from your pockets by paying non-essential staff. On the other hand, being understaffed during peak business hours can yield similar results as customers may have a negative experience and leave because of slow service – or worse, they may never come back.

Large and small businesses within the food and beverage industry are increasingly leveraging technology solutions to enable them to make informed, data-driven decisions about their scheduling.

In this blog, we’ll compare two major players in employee scheduling software – HotSchedules and 7Shifts. Let’s dive in!

HotSchedules Overview

HotSchedules is an employee scheduling platform that allows businesses to manage their staff schedules and communicate with team members.

Pros of HotSchedules

  • Integrates with POS Systems: HotSchedules integrates with several point-of-sale systems, including Aireus, Brink POS, NorthStar, Digital Dining, Focus, Future POS, Hunger Rush, Lucas, NCR Aloha, OnePOS, Oracle Micros, Ordyx, POSitouch, PDQ POS, Restaurant Manager, Revel, rPower, Silverware POS, SpotOn, Squirrel Systems, Toast, Upserve, Xpient, Xenial IRIS.
  • Optimizes Resources: HotSchedules offers businesses the benefit of optimizing key business resources, including saving time and money. According to HotSchedules, its platform reduces manager admin time by 75% and labor budgets by 5%. 
  • Streamlines Employee Experience: Within a user friendly mobile app, workers can swap, pick up, or drop shifts. Additionally, workers can manage time off requests, access in-app messaging, and integrate their work schedules with Google Calendar.

Cons of HotSchedules

  • Paid Mobile App: For both businesses and workers, the HotSchedules app is available for download for a cost of $2.99. 
  • Multiple App Downloads for Additional Features: HotSchedules’ platform capabilities are not all accessible within a single app if you’re looking to use it for more than scheduling. Rather, it requires the download of multiple apps, including:

HS Team: Available for both business and employee use to facilitate communication, schedule viewing/sharing, and more.

HotSchedules Logbook: Available for business managers to keep track of business tasks and to dos, store logs, business documents, and more. 

HotSchedules Dashboard: Allows businesses to access data - such as daily sales, speed of service, or trending menu items - to make informed business decisions.

  • Limited Product Capabilities: Compared to 7Shifts, HotSchedules has more product limitations. Businesses looking to leverage technology for more than scheduling (ie: hiring, onboarding, payroll) will need to source additional products. HotSchedules does operate under Fourth which has a product suite than can accommodate some of these additional needs.

7Shifts Overview

7Shifts enhances the scheduling process by allowing restaurant managers to create schedules, evaluate, and communicate with their employees.

Pros of 7Shifts

  • Free to Download App: Contrary to HotSchedules, the 7Shifts app is available to download free of charge for both businesses and workers.
  • Ability to Add-On Features a la Carte: While 7Shifts offers four different pricing tiers for paid plans, it also allows businesses to ability add-on features a la carte, such as tip pooling, task management, manager log books, onboarding, and more.
  • One Platform with Many Solutions: 7Shifts offers businesses more than just scheduling capabilities. Its platform provides solutions for hiring, training, paying, and retaining employees. 

Cons of 7Shifts

  • Friction Integrating with Google Calendar: 7Shifts does not accommodate the ability to integrate with Google Calendar within the 7Shifts mobile app. Rather, users must set up the integration within their Google account from a web browser or desktop. This has created a friction point for users attempting to do so, leading to frustrations within 7Shifts’ app reviews.
  • User Experience Issues: 7Shifts users have expressed difficulties with the mobile app in regards to its load time and lagging issues when opening and utilizing the app.

Associated Costs


Pricing data for HotSchedules is not publicly available on the website; however, businesses may opt into a 30-day free trial of the platform.


Plan Name Plan Cost
Integrations Integrates with 24 different POS partners to enable efficient scheduling practices Integrates with 32 different POS partners to allow businesses to monitor peak business hours and schedule staff accordingly
Mobile Accessibility Mobile app is available to download for $2.99. Has multiple scheduling-related apps for download Mobile app is available to download for free and accessible via Google Play and Apple App Stores
Add-On Features HotSchedules is limited to scheduling. Additional capabilities are available through its parent company’s product suite Add-on features are available a la carte for an additional monthly fee
Customer Support HotSchedules offers a Customer Success Portal with answers to frequently asked questions. Users may also submit a support request, access a live chat 24/7, or call into the support phone line between 8am to 8pm Monday through Friday 7Shifts offers users a support live chat that is accessible during limited hours seven days a week and a support phone line that is accessible during limited hours Monday through Friday

Scheduling Features Comparison

Feature HotSchedules 7Shifts
Integrations Integrates with 24 different POS partners to enable efficient scheduling practices Integrates with 32 different POS partners to allow businesses to monitor peak business hours and schedule staff accordingly
Mobile Access Mobile app is available to download for $2.99. Has multiple scheduling-related apps for download Mobile app is available to download for free and accessible via Google Play and Apple App Stores
Add-On Features HotSchedules is limited to scheduling. Additional capabilities are available through its parent company’s product suite Add-on features are available a la carte for an additional monthly fee
Service Fee 40% markup on all shifts 35% markup on all shifts (includes taxes, fees, OAI coverage, support, and free cancellations with 24-hour notice
Customer Support HotSchedules offers a Customer Success Portal with answers to frequently asked questions. Users may also submit a support request, access a live chat 24/7, or call into the support phone line between 8am to 8pm Monday through Friday 7Shifts offers users a support live chat that is accessible during limited hours seven days a week and a support phone line that is accessible during limited hours Monday through Friday

Sourcing the Right Scheduling App

The platform you select hinges on the distinct functional dynamics and goals of your business

In this blog, we’ve examined the pros and cons of both HotSchedules and 7Shifts, each platform’s capabilities as scheduling tools, and the costs associated with onboarding either solution.

While HotSchedules and 7Shifts bring their own unique set of advantages and drawbacks to the table, its important to consider how each can cater to your business needs. 

Need help filling your schedule?

Although finding the right scheduling platform plays a key role in the efficiency and effectiveness of your business, its no good if you don’t have enough workers to fill up your schedule!

When you find yourself short-staffed or in need of some additional hands, shiftNOW’s network of high-quality, vetted shift workers can help.

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