How to Hire Top Talent

At shiftNOW, we're committed to our mission of fulfilling the hospitality industry’s one-time, part-time, and full-time needs. Our platform now serves as a means to find and hire top talent more efficiently and effectively.

How to Hire Top Talent

Save time and money by hiring the right talent

At shiftNOW, we understand the hospitality industry’s struggle to find consistent, reliable, and experienced workers. Our platform is a tried-and-true method for trial-running workers before hiring.

The hospitality industry continues to have one of the highest turnover rates across all sectors While we understand that your business may have urgent hiring needs, shiftNOW prioritizes you finding the right hire at the right time to prevent future turnover. 

Replacing employees costs your business. It’s estimated that hiring an hourly employee costs 1.25 to 1.4 times more than their earnings – and that doesn’t even consider the cost of hiring platforms like Indeed, Monster, or Linkedin. Not to mention the time spent on interviewing, onboarding, and training. 

Mandatory employment-related costs include:

  • Payroll taxes (Medicare, Social Security, FICA)
  • Workers’ compensation
  • Employment insurance

Although not required, other common employment costs include:

  • Health insurance
  • Retirement plans
  • Family and medical leave
  • Paid time off

It doesn’t just cost your business to replace employees, it costs you to lose them too. From money spent on unemployment to lost revenue due to staff shortages to employee burnout, employee turnover causes a negative ripple effect on your business.

Before investing in a new hire, shiftNOW wants to ensure you find the right fit.

While we take pride in the quality of the workers on our platform, only some individuals will be the right fit for your business. We have considered industry feedback to develop a hiring fee structure that incentivizes businesses to hire the right people (for free!). 

shiftNOW’s hiring fees are as follows:

Basic Subscription

Tier 1: <5 shifts completed: $1,500/hire

Tier 2: 5 to 9 shifts completed: $1,250/hire

Tier 3: 10 to 14 shifts completed: $1,000/hire

Tier 4: 15+ shifts completed: FREE

Premium Subscription

Tier 1: <5 shifts completed: $1,000/hire

Tier 2: 5 to 9 shifts completed: $750/hire

Tier 3: 10 to 14 shifts completed: $500/hire

Tier 4: 15+ shifts completed: FREE

Our combined 50+ years of business management and hiring experience, coupled with insights from industry experts shows that it takes time to understand whether someone is a fit. Businesses can make a more informed hiring decision after 15 shifts and will have a true sense of a worker’s professionalism, punctuality, and work ethic.

At shiftNOW, we remain committed to our mission of fulfilling the hospitality industry’s one-time, part-time, and full-time needs. Our platform now serves as a means to find and hire top talent more cost-effectively than traditional job boards and staffing agencies. 

If you have any questions about our recent change, please do not hesitate to reach out via one of the following channels:


Phone: (843) 974-8822

In-App Messaging Support: Available 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday, 9am to 3pm on weekends

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